
We’re a married couple living in Central Florida.  We both like creating things and we work in a variety of media.  We haven’t created any mini humans, but we do have an adopted fur child.  This website is a chronicle of the things we create and the things we love.


Chris started writing computer programs when he was in middle school and has not stopped since then.  He is a space geek and hopes he lives to see a person step onto the surface of Mars.  Several years ago, he started building hydroponics systems in which the Greenes grow lettuce and culinary herbs.  He also enjoys woodworking and dreams of one day living in a house full of furniture he built.


On Greeneland.com, Karen writes about travel (including Orlando-area adventures), homemaking, cooking, and reading.  You might find her sneaking into Chris’s woodworking or space topics, if she’s putting the finish on something Chris built or going to a launch with him.

Karen also blogs at www.yarnycurtain.com.  Over there, she writes about all things fiber arts: knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving, dyeing, and anything else she tries.  If you click on Fiber Arts in the menu here on Greeneland.com, you’ll be redirected to Through the Yarny Curtain to see her posts there.


Tiger is the real king of the household.  He likes to cuddle, eat anything Chris is eating, and share all his thoughts on the way the day should go.